Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Amazing movies, hookah, and wine

It's one thing when you can live with a few people in harmony and never fight or annoy each other, it's another thing when you not only live in harmony with them and never fight but also enjoy each other's company and can just spend hours sitting and talking. That's one of the best ways to describe my relationship with my room mates. For the past couple of nights we've just been hanging out, watching amazing movies, talking, smoking hookah, and drinking wine. I can't even explain to you how awesome it is. And writing is my thing!
Today is Marla's birthday. She's turning 18 so we're taking her out for that special "you're officially an adult so let's take advantage of it" outing. I have a feeling it's going to be awesome.
Tomorrow is the last day of Ulpan for the week. The entire weekend is dedicated to those without "significant others" to be with. Sappy movies, lots of wine, hookah, chocolate... that sort of thing. We'll have Peppe to snuggle with and each other to talk to.

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