Saturday, November 3, 2007

The College Laundry Experience

Whoever invented washable clothes probably thought they were quite the genius. Well, I loathe that person. In fact, I loathe Adam and Eve for realizing their sinful ways and covering themselves in the first place! They had no idea what they were starting. This laundry washing ritual is among the most annoying of life's necessities.
First, you must gather all the accumulated clothing and shove it into a bag that is reasonably easy to carry, since the walk from our dorm building to the dorm building that contains the holy laundry mat is a good 15 minute walk. Down the street, through the park, and down another street to the building. Once you make it to the building you must convince the uptight security that you are indeed coming to do laundry and not to sneak in the dorm with a six pack of booze and some hash. After that has been accomplished you proceed to what I like to call "The Laundry Hell Hole." Appropriately named, I think. It's a small crevice in the wall that builds up so much heat you think you're going to suffocate as you sit watching the laundry jumble and tumble and wonder if it's really so important to smell nice. Then your mind wanders and you begin to conjure up these fantastic ideas on how to murder the person who said personal hygiene was important. I like to blame these little episodes on the extreme heat.
No wonder college kids stink.

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