Saturday, October 27, 2007

Charlie Chaplin; she's our girl!

August 21, 2007

We have a new friend. This stray cat followed us to our dorms this weekend and Stella fell in love. She really is a cutie, but the problem is half the people on our floor are allergic. It's so funny because it makes it a love/hate relationship. Right now she's comfortably snoozing on the bedspread.


I had a wonderful weekend! Thursday night was the last night of Beer Fest so a big group of us went and hung out for a few hours. It was basically uneventful. There was beer and terribly untalented bands. But everyone enjoyed their beer!


Yes, my neighbors are mixed in there. On the far left we have Ben. Next to him is Jonathan from Columbia (Not a neighbor.) Then comes Jed, Michael, and the last one is a kid from England named Dan. I don't really know him, he was just in the pic. It was a fun evening! We were at the fest for only a few hours before they ended it and then we walked the short distance to the beach where we all just sat for who knows how long just talking and enjoying the night air. It was refreshing in a strange way. But then, what part of the sea isn't refreshing?


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